Educational Programs

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Required Rotations for General Psychiatry Residents




Year 1 Rotations
Year 11 month2 months1 month2 months2 months4 months
VA House Internal MedicineVA Outpatient Internal MedicineEmergency MedicineNeurology (VA)Emergency Psychiatry / Crisis ManagementInpatient Psychiatry


Year 2 Rotations
Year 23 months1 month 2 months2 months1 month2 months
Inpatient PsychiatryGeriatric PsychiatryChild Psychiatry (Inpatient and C/L)Consultation-LiaisonAddictionEmergency Psychiatry / Crisis Management
Supportive Psychotherapy Clinic 1 afternoon per week for 12 months


Year 3 Rotations
Year 3

12 Months

1-2 days per week in Behavioral Health Speciality Clinics (BHSC)

1-1½ days per week in Veteran's Administration Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic (VAOPC)

½ day per week in Insight Oriented/Supportive Psychotherapy Clinic

3-6 Months6 months0-3 months
½ - 1 day per week of Community Mental Health (CMH)½ day per week of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Clinic½ day per week of Sleep Clinic


Year 4 Rotations
Year 412 Months

½ day per week Senior Outpatient Clinic

½ day per week Insight-Oriented/Supportive Psychotherapy Clinic

2 months1 month1 month1 month7 months
Senior Inpatient PsychiatryForensic PsychiatryECTSenior Outpatient Psychiatry or Senior ACLElectives